Think about how difficult it is to engage, track and pay a service vendor. In many organizations, it is a multi-month mission involving many departments. It results in an unpleasant administrative experience across all companies trying to pay each other.
Candex was founded in 2011 by Jeremy Lappin and Shani Vaza to solve the tail spend problem. Their technology removes thousands of vendor records from financial systems while delivering control, speed, tax compliance, and visibility. Great design and attention to detail makes Candex the simplest and most precise way to get tail spend under control.
Our Pillars
New York
420 Lexington Avenue
Suite 300
New York, NY 10170
+1 202 559 2596
Kemp House
152 City Road
London EC1V 2NX
+44 20 4515 2746
200 Jalan Sultan
#08-02 Textile Centre
Singapore 199018
+65 6371 9737
Israel R&D
Beit Gibor Sport
Derech Menachem Begin 7
Ramat Gan, 5268102, Israel
Our Investors

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